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Unit 1 Test Question 18

Unit 1 Test Question 18

Q Explain and discuss the cross-examination between Socrates and Meletus. Whose side would you take in their argument? Can you think of arguments Meletus might have made against Socrates had he been quicker witted?

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Socrates was put to trail under the allegation that he was negatively affecting the youths of the nation by his teaching and such other things. He was put to trail in Royal Stoa where he was put to question by three people. The first one among these three was Meletus, who was actually a poet and kindly was jealous with Socrates because of his association with the Thirty Tyrants and also that he had so many followers and the youths actually liked his teaching. The beginning of the trail began with the Meletus reading his reading his written allegation towards Socrates.